Ikiyōyō undō (Ikiyōyō exercises) are core exercises that form the building blocks of bujutsu and jujutsu technique. They are not applications but many of the movements can be applied in different contexts. Sequences may initially be hard to remember but the movements should be accessible to students of all abilities and should be fully inclusive. They are natural movements of the body sequenced to help students gain insight into martial arts movement and to improve application of technique.We teach and learn one movement building upon another.

Ashi undō- leg/foot exercise (or direction of travel for wheelchair/mobility aide users)

Ude undō- arm exercise

Atemi undō- striking exercise

Tekubi undō- wrist exercise

Tsukamu undō- grab exercise

Ikiyōyō undō are just movements they have no meaning 



(one day one step)

The sequenced use of core movements in 20th Century Japanese martial arts can also be seen in:

 Judo Taiso (Tomiki), Tegatana Dosa, Aiki Taiso, happo undō (Aikido) Itsutu-no-kata, Ju no Kata (judo) 

Shinobi Iai Happo Sabaki (Bujinkan) and many more in western and Chinese arts.

In those systems the taiso or kata  give deeper understanding of the principles of each art and provide physical exercise, applications and techniques. 

Ikiyōyō undō are just movements, neither applications or drills.

Ikiyōyō undō is a learning pathway for students of all levels 

Planes of movement

Understanding movement in 3D

 We aim to manipulate multiple planes and directions in martial application.
